Python Traceroute Utility

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Python Traceroute Utility

Post by notipa »

I put together a rather simple to use traceroute utility with Python 2.7. I also included a Windows executable for convenience, so you don't have to install Python to use it. You can get it off my Dropbox here. It isn't as advanced as WinMTR (but still much more advanced than Windows tracert), but clearly reports ping jitter (most likely cause of unreg) and 'grades' each hop based on collected statistics. I designed it to be simple to use, so it has presets for various servers around the USA plus TeamRectifier in Germany. Of course, you can specify your own IP address / hostname to check. I added file output to this version (creates an output.txt) for easier management of traceroute data.

This is just the first version, expect more updates and upgrades to come in the future. You can also fork it and use it in other projects you have, should you ever be inebriated enough to consider my code a good option.

If you have issues with it, reply here or send me a PM. I do check these forums regularly so support should be timely.

If you want a short link for sharing, you can use .

[x-posted from ComboWhore]
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